Co-op members using Nikon's Encore Optics continue to report very favorably on the lab's performance (the quality of their work and overall customer service) not to mention the substantial discount afforded to Co-op members!
The Co-op is not a barrier to great pricing!
We have negotiated very favorable terms for the Co-op members interested in quality products, real savings. Nikon understands our business model and has stepped forward to earn your business.
Don't forget - an added benefit of working with the Co-op in respect to your lab work is the higher your Co-op bill, the greater your portion of the next Revenue Sharing distribution will be. It's just math, but it's pretty smart actually!
Interested in learning more? Contact Nikon's Renee Wheelock or Tim Bonin for more information.
See Without Compromise: Compensating for Eye Degeneration
While getting older is a fact of life, it is often one that we choose to ignore until it makes its presence clear – or when it makes our life a tad blurrier.
Do you know that feeling, when your arms are not extending far enough to read a menu? The reason behind this is presbyopia, the scientific word for eye degeneration, or more precisely, the gradual loss of your eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects.
It's natural, it’s annoying, but it’s part of aging, or as some like to call it, getting wiser. Presbyopia is synonymous with progressive and sounds a lot less scientific when you know its etymology: from the Greek presbys meaning "old" and ops meaning "sight". There’s really nothing we can do to prevent this phenomenon, but at least we can be smart about it.
The Tooth Fairy’s Overlooked Counterpart
Eye degeneration is as natural as growing up and losing teeth: only a less glamorous sign of aging. Presbyopia affects the lens of your eye, located right behind the iris. The lens’s function is to adjust its shape to the ideal focal length needed to see clearly. As we age, it degenerates and loses flexibility. As a result, it gives us a hard time reading tiny prints or small characters on a screen.
The old cliché is real: we will come to a point until we either need arm extensions or appropriate glasses. We strongly advise going for the latter.
Presbyopia can seem to just appear one morning when you realize you can’t see as well as before. In reality the process is rather more subtle as it begins during adolescence. The symptoms only become noticeable in the mid-40s and increase until the 60s.
Others don’t have too much trouble reading on screens but struggle in dim lighting. For starters, they should brighten their work environment. But if they find themselves wishing the dimmer switch could slide up a little more, chances are that early presbyopia is knocking on the door.
Lenswear to Keep Your Vision Sharp
Getting used to progressives can be really uncomfortable. At Nikon Lenswear Canada, one of our goals is to help patients adapt easily to their new viewing habits. With the most advanced lenswear technology on the market, the golden days of oversized bifocal magnifying glasses are long gone. No more of that silly on and off dance!
One of the challenges of designing a progressive lens is to build one that gives a clear vision at all distances, and that tones down optical aberrations to the minimum. In the past, you were forced to adapt to your new glasses. Now, with our revolutionized approach towards customization, it’s the other way around.
The Everyday Lens
The Nikon SeeMax Ultimate is the best solution to deal with the natural effects of eye degeneration. It is one of the few fully personalized lenses on the market and will help you transition to progressives easily. Its design is never predetermined. Regardless of what you wore before, everything is instantly familiar right from the start, thanks to tens of thousands of design possibilities that allow for a seemingly boundless view.
With a maximized usable zone, you get a clearer near vision, a larger intermediate vision, and a more defined vision from far. Plus, it greatly minimizes visual distractions like the swimming effect. The SeeMax Ultimate can be mounted on any frames and even helps with posture problems, as it covers a larger field of view, thus reducing head and neck movements, especially when working on the computer.
The Office Lens
If you’re hard at work and clocking long hours on a dual-monitor office set up, you’ll be wise to consider lenses that are optimized for a digital lifestyle. The Nikon Home & Office Neo series is recommended for people who spend long hours in front of screens. And now that home is the new office for many, screen time increases more rapidly than we realize.
Coming in multiple vision range choices, Home & Office lenses offer sharp and comfortable vision at near and intermediate distances, making it easy to focus on any element of your immediate environment. Whether it is your screen, cell phone, tablet, whiteboard or your kid’s picture next to the calendar.
The Outdoor Lens
Progressive lenses can also be made into solar lenses to protect your eyes from the sun. Nikon sun lenses are perfectly adapted to the outdoors. SeeMax Ultimate, tailor-made for you with its customization features, is available in polarized lenses and comes equipped with SeeSun UV protection applied on both sides of the lens. You can expect Nikon polarized lenses to provide the same visual comfort and precision found on your clear prescription lenses while reducing glare.
Multiple Pair Offer: I See Without Compromise
At Nikon, we wish every patient could enjoy an optimal visual experience and make the most of their lens prescription, but we also understand that this level of visual comfort can represent a substantial investment. That’s why our multiple pair offer, I See Without Compromise, gives you the second and subsequent pair of lenses at an exclusive price when buying them with your main prescription glasses.
Whether you are getting wiser or just realizing your glasses may be the source of your discomfort, you can still make the best out of your situation. We can’t make any promise, but new lenses could surprisingly be beneficial to your visual health and well-being. Besides, those new frames may just help you look younger!
To find lenses adapted to your lifestyle and viewing habits, visit our website